A DEDICATED band of sisters is hitting the streets of Frankston to do their bit to raise as much money as possible to fund the proposed new war memorial at Beauty Park.
Jane Taylor, the wife of mayor Darrel Taylor, has gathered together a group of hardy souls to get out and about to shake collection tins to raise money for the memorial cause.
Mrs Taylor said she worked “part time” in the aviation industry and “full time” as a mother and was keen to contribute in any way she could since her uncle was a Vietnam veteran and her husband served overseas during a 16-year career with the Australian Army.
“It’s just snowballed and a lot of mums at school have spread the word so we got lots of volunteers,” Mrs Taylor said.
Members of the RSL Women’s Auxiliary have also joined the cause.
“I think it’s important to recognise women’s wartime contributions and also honour the men and women still serving so it’s been great to have such a fantastic response.”
Such has been the enthusiasm for the new memorial, 95-year-old Phoebe Parker has been keen to do her bit to collect money. Her husband served in World War II.
The ladies collected more than $600 from Frankston residents in just over four hours last Thursday.
Mrs Taylor thanked all those who had generously donated money.