FRANKSTON Council has launched a fundraising campaign to support a 12-month trial program to provide accommodation and support to homeless people.
Councillors voted unanimously last month to back a project, pioneered by Collingwood Football Club in Melbourne, to rent three houses to nine homeless individuals aged between 30-60 years old to help them turn their lives around (‘Magpies next spreads wings’, The Times 1/4/15).
A case manager will help the nine housed in the three properties.
Frankston’s senior citizen of the year Marion Beattie is the first to contribute to the Homeless Fund, handing over more than $400 to council last Thursday.
The Pines resident raised the money by organising a fundraising concert at the Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre in Frankston North.
Cr Glenn Aitken said Ms Beattie is “inspirational” and he is sure other Frankston residents will follow her lead.
Frankston councillors will be out and about on Frankston’s city centre streets on Thursday 30 April and Friday 1 May “tin rattling” to collect more money, according to Cr Aitken.
“I am confident in the generosity of the people of Frankston,” he said.
Cr Aitken said there have been “clear indications of major funding by significant organisations” to help fund the 12-month trial which will cost $115,105 in case management fees.
To make a donation visit the front counter at Frankston Civic Centre, 30 Davey St, Frankston or post a cheque to ‘The Homeless Fund’, Frankston City Council, PO Box 490, Frankston.
Call council on 1300 322 322 for further details.
1 Comment
It is lovely to see the frankston council and community people trying to raise awareness and money to help the homeless. Im one of the homeless and have been for 3 months through my partner and i losing our jobs because of health reasons. My partners health is severe and we hope everyday that a miracle will happen and with people like you pulling together it just might one day. Keep up the good work