FRANKSTON Council CEO Dennis Hovenden is set to represent Frankston on the international stage.
Mr Hovenden will head to Seattle, Washington in the US in late September to attend the International City/County Management Association’s (ICMA) next board meeting having been elected as vice president of the organisation that “advances professional local government worldwide”.
The high-flying chief executive said it is “a great honour” to represent Frankston and Australia in a global capacity.
“I am very proud to showcase our region a destination for tourism and investment, and to learn from other local government authorities,” Mr Hovenden said in a statement.
The ICMA covers all travel expenses for its board members and council advised The Times that Mr Hovenden will use annual leave to dedicate time to his role as ICMA vice president. He plans to push Frankston and Australia as business and tourism destinations as part of his vice president role.
The Frankston Council CEO, the only Southern Hemisphere board member, will serve as one of 21 board members, made up of 18 representatives from the United States and three international members.