FIRST aid training came in handy in Israel for Frankston MP Paul Edbrooke who helped an injured man on the streets of Tel Aviv last week.
Mr Edbrooke said he was grabbing a bite to eat after a meeting at the Australia Israel Chamber of Commerce in Tel Aviv when he noticed a man having a fit on a median strip.
The Labor MP and his dining companion immediately ran to the man’s aid and Mr Edbrooke’s first aid training learned as a firefighter before he became a politician kicked in.
An eyewitness from technology company Castle Builders tweeted Mr Edbrooke “saved a life”.
The Frankston MP played down his role in helping the injured man when contacted by The Times saying it had been a joint effort by passers-by to aid the man, who was bleeding from a head wound, before an ambulance quickly arrived on the scene.
“I just controlled the situation a bit, cleared his airway and managed the bleeding,” Mr Edbrooke said.
He said he was in Israel to study business incubation models to possibly replicate in Frankston.
He also took time to investigate how Israeli authorities dispense methadone to drug addicts to see whether any lessons can be learned about dispensing opioid replacement therapies from pharmacies near Frankston train station.