PLANS for the redevelopment of Young St have been given the go-ahead by Frankston Council at its latest council meeting.
“Council is delighted to announce its support of the Victorian Government’s Design and Development Report of the Redevelopment of Young Street,” Mayor Cr James Dooley said.
With works set to commence in July 2016 and be completed by March 2017, this is the first stage in the $63 million Victorian Government commitment towards the revitalisation of the Frankston Station Precinct.
“Young Street is a very important gateway in our city centre and we look forward to it being transformed into a hub for our community members and visitors to meet, shop and enjoy spending leisure time in,” Cr Dooley said.
“The positive long-term economic, environmental and social benefits of this vital project go right to the core of Council’s Frankston Metropolitan Activity Centre Structure Plan.”
Some of the many benefits of this redevelopment include improved public transport connectivity, greening of the area and improving air quality and improved pedestrian and footpath amenities.
The Young St redevelopment will support other imminent private sector developments including the expansion of Chisholm TAFE and upgrades to the Frankston train station.
“This key project has been at the top of the Frankston community’s priority list for many years, with the $13 million development of Young Street, managed by VicRoads, being an exciting first step towards changing the face of Frankston,” Cr Dooley said.
“Council looks forward to working with the State government and VicRoads as the redevelopment of the entire Frankston Station precinct gets underway.”
Council endorsed the State government’s Design and Development Report and will have more discussions about landscaping options and tests on the cleaning of proposed pavers to ensure associated maintenance costs, to be maintained by council, are practical for long-term durability.
See vicroads.vic.gov.au/planning-and-projects/melbourne-road-projects/young-st-improvements-frankston or call the project team at VicRoads on 9391 7216 or email: youngstreet@roads.vic.gov.au for further information.