THE saying: “There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others” may be describing Rachael Thatcher and members of the Patterson Lakes Card Group.
They have all contributed to making life a lot better for one local woman.
Chinese-born Jenny had been in Australia only a month when she started dropping in to the centre at 54-70 Thompson Rd. With virtually no English, communication was difficult, but PLCC staff tried their best to make her feel welcome and find an activity that would help her make new friends and improve her language skills.
She tried bridge, but explaining the game proved challenging to all. Then Jenny attracted the interest of one of the other players, Rachael, who, had taught for more than 40 years. Although also a relative newcomer to PLCC, Rachael thought she might be able to help.
She approached Jenny and the pair hit it off immediately.
“I could see that she was locked into language isolation which can be terrible, and I wanted to help,” Rachael said.
“There is serious joy in communicating with someone, and, hopefully, giving them a brighter future.”
Since then, the new friends have met twice a week at the centre where, using her skills as an English as a Second Language teacher, Rachael is slowly breaking down the language barrier.
She has been helped along by Shirley O’Toole and other members of the Friday card group who have embraced their new charge and are adding to her remarkable progress.
“They have all been wonderful, especially Shirley who has gone out of her way to teach Jenny the card games and make her feel welcome,” Rachael said.
“Everyone is a teacher. We all have something that can be shared with someone else.”
Jenny, who prefers to remain out of the spotlight, says she is “very lucky” to have met her mentor. It is people like Rachael and Shirley who put the word “community” into Patterson Lakes Community Centre.
Call the centre on 9772 8588, or email info@patlakescc.net.au
Open Houses
COMMUNITY centres across Kingston will be throwing out the welcome mat during Neighbourhood House Week.
Kingston has nine neighbourhood houses each offering a host of fun, interesting and educational classes, courses and groups for people of all ages.
Neighbourhood House Week, held from May 9-16, will celebrate your local House with heart run by volunteer-based organisations and funded by Kingston Council and the state government. The theme of this year’s event is ‘Grow Together’.
Kingston mayor Cr Tamsin Bearsley said council is proud to support these vital organisations that help bring the community together and provide much-needed services such as English classes for new migrants.
“Whether you’re interested in learning a new hobby, developing your child’s abilities or gaining valuable skills your local neighbourhood house is ready to help,” Cr Bearsley said.
More than 10,000 people visit a Kingston Neighbourhood House each week.
Activities run by local Neighbourhood Houses include:
- the community garden at Chelsea Heights Community Centre
- school holiday activities at Aspendale Gardens Community Service
- music classes for babies and parents at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House
- adult learning opportunities at Patterson Lakes Community Centre.
See kingston.vic.gov.au/neighbourhoodhouse or call Kingston Council on 1300 653 356 for further information.
First published in the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – 4 May 2016