CONSERVATION and environment groups gathered under the umbrella of the Frankston Environmental Friends Network (FEFN) are celebrating the network’s 20th anniversary this year.
An extensive display of photographs of Frankston area natural reserves and foreshores opened on World Environment Day (6 June) is on view at Frankston Library until the end of this month.
FEFN chair and 2016 Frankston Citizen of the Year, David Cross, said network members had helped Frankston Council win the 2015 Australian Sustainable City Award.
“The FEFN has many passionate representatives who contribute significantly to our monthly meetings. Each of these reps are associated with one or more of the incredible volunteer groups who work tirelessly for Frankston’s wonderful natural reserves and the foreshore,” Mr Cross said.
The FEFN was formed in 1996 to provide a forum for communication between all the community groups associated with Frankston’s natural reserves, Frankston Council environmental officers and reserve maintenance staff.
More than 20 volunteer environmental groups, ranging from small local reserve Friends Groups to large organisations such as the Kananook Creek Association and the Frankston Beach Association, are now part of the network.
First published in the Frankston Times – 20 June 2016