SOUTHERN Metropolitan Region Crime Team Investigators have charged an 18-year-old Langwarrin man following two aggravated burglaries and a burglary in Rosebud in which a Kia car was stolen.
They occurred at houses in Eighth Av and Tarwarri Av, 8 July.
Police arrested the man at 7.40am Wednesday (13 July). He was charged with numerous offences, including aggravated burglary, intentionally causing injury, assault, theft and burglary.
He was remanded to appear at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on a later date.
The Kia was recovered at Langwarrin Football Club the following day.
Sergeant Anthoula Moutis, of the media unit, said the police has escalated their responses to aggravated burglaries and carjackings across the state. At the start of May, under Operation Cosmas, police were given more resources to prevent, deter and investigate aggravated burglaries and carjackings. Day and night patrols are being conducted in high risk areas to prevent offences taking place.
Since the operation began there have been more than 75 arrests.