DISCORD between councillors led to a failed WorkCover claim lodged by Cr Brian Cunial in February that alleged “bullying, intimidation and ridiculing” by Cr Suzette Tayler.
The claim, rejected by council’s WorkCover insurer CGU, saw eight of council’s nine councillors interviewed as witnesses with only Cr Michael O’Reilly exempted from being interviewed.
The allegation by Cr Cunial emerged at last week’s public council meeting amid heated arguments between councillors over the cost of code of conduct arbitration hearings in recent months.
Cr Tayler revealed the WorkCover claim since it was listed in documents councillors voted to bring in to open council at the latest meeting.
The documents have not yet been released by council.
Acting council CEO Tim Frederico said council is seeking “appropriate advice” and no further comment will be provided in the interim.
Both Cr Tayler and Cr Cunial said they were unable to comment due to WorkCover legislation when contacted last week.
Cr Cunial, a serving Victoria Police officer, faced a WorkCover probe over a council employee claim for “anxiety and stress” in 2013. In that case the claim was approved.
In a statement to a lawyer brought in to arbitrate on a complaint lodged by mayor Cr James Dooley against her for comments made on Facebook in June, Cr Tayler said the WorkCover investigation had been stressful.
Tens of thousands of dollars worth of ratepayers’ money has been spent on investigations into complaints by councillors against each other in the past 12 months ahead of council elections on 22 October.
The majority of the complaints have been found to be without merit.
Councillors have repeatedly accused each other of bullying both in public at council meetings and in private.
1 Comment
It’s difficult to find anything positive in this dysfunctional councils term of office,l am sure that their must be some matters that have served to benefit the ratepayers but honestly we have seen the very worst of behaviour from these elected councillors and l am looking forward to seeing a much better performance from the incoming council,along with the election of a Mayor who can better perform his duties,than the outgoing incumbent has.