ELEVEN candidates are running for three seats to represent the South ward at Frankston Council. The South ward includes Frankston South, Frankston, Frankston city centre and Langwarrin South.
Ballot papers are being mailed out to voters by the Victorian Electoral Commission ahead of Frankston Council elections on 22 October. Voters should return completed ballot papers well before a final deadline of Friday 21 October, 6pm.
Voters who have not received a ballot pack by Wednesday 12 October should call the VEC on 8619 1615 to arrange a replacement.

What suburb do you live in? I live in Frankston and have done since 1989.
What is your occupation?
I am semi-retired, but ran a small business as a mowing and gardening contractor for six years. Prior to that I was in management sales and marketing. I also taught small business management at Frankston and Moorabbin TAFEs for four years.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
The main issue for council is the lack of accountability and overspending without concern for the ratepayers of Frankston. Budget blowouts, rate rises are outrageous and need to be reined in. Infighting, so is no collaboration just self-aggrandisement. This needs to stop and the functionality of council must be priority.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)?
No, I am not a member of any political party, nor have I ever been.

What suburb do you live in? I live in Frankston South.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
There is no number one issue. Frankston is a fine place. Like any other suburb, it has some ongoing social and administrative problems. I do not believe it is wise to list Frankston’s problems. There are people who deal with them, especially the social ones. Publicising them will not solve them.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)?
In the past I was a member of the Labor and of the Liberal parties. Now I am a swinging voter.

What suburb do you live in? Frankston South.
What is your occupation? Lawyer
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
Addressing costs of living for residents, including cost of rates review, provision of better services and community safety. The agenda for local government should be set by our community and governance must be open and accountable in our city in order to support and extend the capacity of our community to work together and create a future that both strengthens our environment, our economy and our people.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)?
I believe that there is no place for party politics in local government. I am not a member of any political party. I am independent of all parties.

What suburb do you live in? I live in Langwarrin.
What is your occupation? I work in primary school education and adult training.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
Number 1 issue is responsible spending. Frankston is a bright and vibrant community that deserves practical, durable and low maintenance up-grades, when necessary and appropriate. Discussions around spending should include resident input and create a healthy debate where the community feels inclusion and their opinions valued. Enhancement and maintenance of our current assets whilst encouraging residents to patronage our small businesses would make for a much more sustainable atmosphere.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)?
No, I am not a member of a political party.

What suburb do you live in?
I live in Frankston and have been a homeowner here for 13 years. I grew up in Mount Eliza but I have lived in North East Victoria and Gippsland too. We call Frankston “Hotel California” in our house… “You can check out – but you can never leave!”
What is your occupation?
I work in vocational education as a consultant and a teacher. I trained in environmental management and I taught in conservation and land management at Chisholm TAFE for over a decade. I now teach in Teacher Education and Leadership and Management.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
I think the number one issue for council to tackle is to ensure that the community, not just vested interests have a voice. I would like to see Frankston Council run by the community for the community. I think that the community struggles to participate in decision making through the structure of the council meetings and the way consultation is handled.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)?
I became a member of the Greens in 2014 after I returned from working in North East Victoria for four years. I was inspired by Cathy McGowan’s grassroots “Indi” campaign and the way she managed to work with her community after being elected. I joined the Greens due to their practice of evidence based policies and decision making.

What is your occupation? I am a Senior Property and Business Development Manager in Frankston.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
Safety is becoming paramount with crime up 12.5 per cent in Frankston over the last financial year.
Being a councillor for almost 10 years I have always advocated for safety first and advocated for more police.
We need more CCTV cameras in the Central Activity District and our neighbourhoods protecting our families.
Keeping rates down is also a priority; I was the only councillor to vote for rate capping as I believe this was very necessary to assist residents.
What has been your biggest achievement during this council term?
Councillors have had a lot of number 1 achievements during this council term and this has been a team effort. Council along with officers fully delivered to the residents the 2013-2017 Council Plan includes, a new state of the art aquatic centre that does not depend on rate subsidy for operating costs, a new war memorial, a waste transfer station self-funded, made good planning decisions, supported youth programs and maintained and created better sports facilities for children throughout the municipality. Through councillors lobbying the Victorian government committed $63 million to redevelop and revitalise the Frankston Station Precinct. This will transform Frankston and create more jobs for our residents. We managed council assets ensuring the organisation is financially viable. There are so many other achievements that I was so proud to be a part of.
What has been your biggest regret during this council term?
I have no regrets because I was there fighting for my residents and getting the best results.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)?
A former member of the Liberal Party for one year when fighting against tolls on East Link. Standing as an independent.

What suburb do you live in? Frankston South.
What is your occupation? Project Manager for Department of Defence.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle?
Maintain control on costs and budgetary restraint whilst ensuring we are investing in our services, assets and facilities.
Council provides facilities for families, sporting and community groups and a wide range of services which contributes to health, wellbeing and social cohesion. With ongoing social issues and youth disengagement it is important to provide these services and modern facilities to update and renew our city while supporting families, our youth and the community in general.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? Liberal Party since 2011.
What has been your biggest achievement during this council term?
As mayor in 2014, impartially advocating during the state election campaign achieving approximately $100 million worth commitments and investment for the city.
What has been your biggest regret during this council term?
I have made a firm stand against poor councillor behaviour. Regretfully, some other councillors do not have the same view in regards to this important issue.

What suburb do you live in? Frankston South.
What is your occupation? Sales Associate, Salvation Army.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle?
The biggest issue for Frankston in my opinion is supporting small business. Small business is the heart of our community and is a large employer of locals. We currently see dogs banned from the CBD and inadequate parking along with lack of consultation with local small business on major projects in Frankston. If I am elected unlike current South Ward councillors, I will be a strong voice for small business and our local economy in Frankston.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? I am member of the Victorian Labor Party.

What suburb do you live in? Frankston South and I was born in Frankston.
What is your occupation? Retired small business owner and Business Coach.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
Nine councillors working together and with council officers in the best interests of the ratepayers to ensure essential services are delivered to families efficiently, effectively and within budget.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)?
I do not belong to a political party and never have and I do not believe council is a forum for party politics. My position will be an apolitical one.

What suburb do you live in? I’ve enjoyed living in Frankston South for over ten years.
What is your occupation? I’m a support worker for OzChild, mainly working with children and adults with autism.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
Overspending is the main issue for local council to tackle. Now that ʻrate cappingʼ is being implemented, Frankston City Council have an opportunity to set a precedent of ʻfrugal spendingʼ; residents want value for money. I also believe everyone deserves to have job security. According to the 2015 LENS report, business registrations for Frankston municipality are 9,430 of which 5,498 do not employ staff.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? Iʼm not a member of any political party.
Cr Brian Cunial did not respond to emailed questions.