FOURTEEN candidates are running for three seats to represent the Central ward at Kingston Council for the next four years. The Central ward includes Cheltenham, Moorabbin Airport, Mentone, Parkdale, Mordialloc and Braeside.
Ballot papers are being mailed out to voters by the Victorian Electoral Commission ahead of Kingston Council elections on 22 October. Voters should return completed ballot papers well before a final deadline of Friday 21 October, 6pm.
Voters who have not received a ballot pack by Wednesday 12 October should call the VEC on 8619 1615 to arrange a replacement.

What suburb do you live in? Have lived in Cheltenham for 42 years.
What is your occupation? Retired Chief Radiographer
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
Continuing rate rises and over development in some residential areas. Number of retirees and those on fixed incomes have restricted ability to fund large increases, older neighbourhoods struggling to manage population growth and traffic increase and decline in liveability.
What has been your biggest achievement during this council term?
Successful finalisation of future of Aged Care management and facilities in Kingston and completion of Stage 1 of back of kerb Bay Trail along foreshore.
What has been your biggest regret during this council term?
Disappointed that we have not been able to reach agreement on future use of former Masonic Hall in Mordialloc.

What suburb do you live in? Parkdale.
What is your occupation? I am currently a stay at home Dad and have a background in retail training, law and Japanese language.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
I’d like council to be more proactive in protecting our local communities, in particular prevent high rise development that doesn’t suit the area. I am also wanting to bring a more progressive voice to the currently conservative Kingston Council. I am keen to make sure we keep a cap on rates, and that the funds are used for the betterment of daily life in the Kingston area, rather than on extravagant projects.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? I am a member of the Australian Labor Party.

What suburb do you live in? I live in Mordialloc Central ward.
What is your occupation? I work for the Department of Health and Human Services, Housing, based at Cheltenham.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
Inappropriate development high rise and high density housing clogging streets with more cars less quiet enjoyment for residents, dramatically changing and degrading streetscapes and the aesthetic charm of the area. The increase in population is now placing further stress on infrastructure such as public transport and parking at strip shopping areas etc.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? I do not belong to a political party.

What suburb do you live in? Parkdale.
What is your occupation? Retail Management Advisor.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
Planning the city in the immediate terms and for the next generation, this covers residential development and specifics such as sky rail, sports facilities, congestion, public transport and employment opportunities.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? I am a member of the Liberal Party.
What has been your biggest achievement during this council term?
Aged Care reform, finally closing tips, sports infrastructure investment plan.
What has been your biggest regret during this council term?
No regrets, always did my best. Disappointed Residential Zones remain unresolved.

What suburb do you live in? Mordialloc.
What is your occupation?
Retired IT Project Manager.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Fair Rates. Why?
This year, for many people rates have increased by much than the average 2.5 per cent, this is not fair and needs to change especially for people on fixed incomes.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? No.

What suburb do you live in? Aspendale, but I grew up in Mentone and attended Mentone Kindergarten, Primary and Girls Grammar School.
What is your occupation? Travel Industry – Business Development Manager.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
My number 1 issue is the amendment to the Design and Development Overlay which will put the two-storey height limit, between Beach Road and the railway line, at risk. I believe that this would set the precedent for on-going multi-storey apartment developments throughout the entirety of our community, not just in high-development rail/transport hub areas.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? Never have been and never will be a member of a political party, I am what I say I am … totally independent!

What suburb do you live in? Parkdale.
What is your occupation? Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Why?
The main issue I have come across in speaking to people is the lack of community consultation whether this is through inappropriate developments large and small or infrastructure projects such as the Level Crossing Removals.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? I am a member of the Australian Labor Party.

What suburb do you live in? Edithvale.
What is your occupation? Former Journalist (15 years at The Age).
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle? Planning.
Why? Only by planning that responds to the wishes and best interests of the community (ahead of developers’ profits) can we protect the neighbourhood character of our residential streets, our shopping centres, public open space/parkland, natural environment, foreshore, Green Wedge and wetlands.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? No.
What has been your biggest achievement during this council term?
Protecting the Green Wedge from a series of threats by the majority councillors to rezone the land for residential or commercial subdivision. Securing majority support for the four-storey height limit for Mentone Activity Centre.
What has been your biggest regret during this council term?
Being voted down 5:4 on important issues, notably the sale of the Collins St, Mentone depot site that was urgently needed for parkland in an area of open space shortfall.

What suburb do you live in? Heatherton.
What is your occupation? National Marketing Manager.
What do you believe is the number 1 issue for council to tackle?
Being a strong voice for the community against Skyrail. The removal of level crossings is very important with road over rail, a sky rail infrastructure will detrimentally change Kingston for decades. Do it once, do it right.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of a political party? If so, which party (and when if no longer a member)? Yes, current member. Liberal Party.
Candidates Silvana Anthony, Victoria Oxley, Chrissy Kingston, Kate Marshall and Tony Falkingham did not respond to emailed questions.
Where can i find how to vote cards for the candidates?
You should have received in the mail – Voters who have not received a ballot pack should call the VEC on 8619 1615.
How-to-vote recommendations of candidates only appears in the ballot pack if the candidate so offered. There were a few such candidates. If not already, it would be helpful if how-to-vote recommendations that candidates circulate on their flyers were pre-registered for electorate perusal.
Brownlees was amongst Councillors who blocked agreement on Mordialloc Masonic Hall – they voted for Expressions of Interest of 15 year lease with onerous conditions – against officer recommendation and community wishes !!!