LONG stretches of the Frankston line will not see sky rail erected but an 8-metre high elevated rail bridge will be built for about one kilometre between Kananook and Frankston train stations.
The state government announced over the weekend that rail under road is the way ahead to separate road from rail at Bonbeach and Edithvale.
The Level Crossing Removal Authority said a “hybrid design” will be built at Seaford by lowering Seaford Rd and the rail line will be “placed on a planted embankment to separate road from rail”.
Labor Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allan said the government had been guided by engineering advice when deciding how best to remove 11 level crossings along the Frankston line.
Construction works will begin at the Skye Rd/Overton Rd level crossing intersection later this year.
“We’re fast tracking this crossing to reduce congestion and make Frankston safer, sooner,” Ms Allan said in a statement.
The government also announced early last week that roads will be separated from rail at level crossings in Mentone and Cheltenham by digging trenches for the rail line to travel below ground level.
No Sky Rail: Frankston Line spokesman Willem Popp took to Facebook on Sunday to say the group had “won” its argument against elevated rail along the Frankston line.
“Public pressure and persistence pays off with fabulous outcomes announced for both the Edithvale and Bonbeach crossings and a compromise for Seaford,” Mr Popp said on Facebook on Sunday.
“So much hard work has gone in to get to this point, by many people with so much support from those in our community.”
No decision for Carrum has been declared yet but the government says a trench cannot be dug due to the nearby Patterson River.
A rail bridge may be built at a new crossing at McLeod Rd in Carrum and the Station St crossing could be shut and a new rail bridge built at Eel Race Rd.
A new ‘road connection’ at Station St over Patterson River is also being considered by the LXRA.
Liberal state opposition spokesman for planning David Davis last week questioned Premier Daniel Andrews’ “special treatment” for voters along the Frankston line and said residents along the Pakenham line will be “rightly furious” that they are getting “the toxic sky rail option”.
“Why is Daniel Andrews giving special treatment to residents on the Frankston line and hanging the residents along the Pakenham line out to dry?” he asked.
The marginal seats of Frankston, Carrum and Mordialloc were won by Labor MPs Paul Edbrooke, Sonya Kilkenny and Tim Richardson respectively at the 2014 state election.
The trio faces voters at the polls again in 2018.
Rail under road has already been installed at Bentleigh, McKinnon and Ormond on the Frankston line.
I am glad to see that common sense has prevailed at Bonbeach and Edithvale and that the Andrews government finally listened to the community and a hard fought campaign . The hybrid design at Seaford has not been embraced by the community I remain mystified why Carrum and the newly fast tracked Overton Rd crossing have no plans. Frankston station is undergoing a 63 million.dollar refurbishment to improve overall amenity in the CBD . Meanwhile 800 metres down the line , also in the most marginal electorate in the State , the intersection described by our local member as the most dysfunctional block of land in Frankston , is going to be decimated by concrete monoliths and made less congested but uglier than it has ever been. Frankston deserves better. Road over Rail.would provide a great open community space here and truly bring community together . It has been clearly demonstrated it can be done there. The fast tracking is a desperate act by a desperate government who cannot even provide artists impressions of how things may look. It’s not Over at Overton. Or anywhere else on the Frankston line . Road Over is the only option .
My feelings are WE are bayside suburbs and an ugly skyrail will be visable from both
the beach and the bay. This will not only effect residence but all the visitors from other parts of Melbourne that come to our beaches. I feel sorry for Dandenong but I dont think you can say it is purely based on Votes…………….If a skyrail was to go through CARRUM it would devestate our villiage. Build us a road bridge across the Patterson River and leave the rest alone………NO SKYRAIL FOR THE FRANKSTON LINE