ARE you ready to cut loose? Footloose, that is.
Community theatre group MLOC Productions are staging a musical play based on Footloose, the 1984 musical drama movie starring Kevin Bacon.
The musical pits rebellious high school students against repressive parents and “liberal” big cities against “conservative” small towns backed by a 15 million albums selling soundtrack including the titular hit song by Kenny Loggins.
Director and choreographer Leah Osburn enjoyed bringing Footloose to life on stage.
“Having loved the movie so much in my youth I wanted to keep true to the storyline and the message the show tells about teen rebellion and grief,” she said.
“Sometimes this was challenging as a choreographer as I just wanted to focus on the music with dance. I’m very happy with the balance we have found and the cast’s energetic portrayal of the story.”
- Performances of Footloose the Musical are at Shirley Burke Theatre, 64 Parkers Rd, Parkdale on Thursday 25 May, 8pm; Friday 26 May, 8pm; Saturday 27 May, 2pm. An 8pm Saturday show is sold out.
See or call the MLOC booking office on 9551 7514 for tickets.
First published in the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – 24 May 2017