A POSSIBLE waste recycling crisis is unlikely to impact on Kingston ratepayers according to council.
Kingston area residents can continue putting out recycling bins for council collection as normal amid the recycling crisis elsewhere in Victoria.
Several councils, particularly west of Melbourne, have been told by Visy that the company will cease accepting recycling products from 9 February due to China banning the import of waste from Australia.
“Kingston is not a Visy client and is not currently impacted by these changes,” Kingston Council city assets and environment general manager Daniel Freer said.
“Kingston has a contract with CleanAway which uses Polytrade.
“Recyclable materials from Kingston homes continue to be accepted by council’s contractor and residents are encouraged to continue using their yellow bins as normal.”
Councils elsewhere may have to stockpile recycled materials or dump it in landfill.
First published in the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – 7 February 2018