BREAKFAST for the homeless and disadvantaged will be served up at Frankston’s Chisholm TAFE campus after the education institute stepped up to the plate to host a meals service from October.
City Life, now known as Frankston Life, will partner with the Frankston Churches Breakfast Club and other providers to dish up meals at Building N of the Frankston campus.
City Life and the breakfast club stopped providing meals to the needy in July 2016 before the charity’s leased Clyde Street Mall premises, were demolished to make way for a new apartment building.
Frankston Council provided an interim meals service at community centres but this ended last month.
“At Chisholm, we believe in engaging with, and supporting the local community, and are proud to be involved with this initiative,” Chisholm CEO Dr Rick Ede said.
Federal Liberal Dunkley MP Chris Crewther said the meals service hosted at Chisholm’s Frankston campus is “the result of many months of hard work that I’ve initiated and coordinated in conjunction with several local passionate organisations and people”.
There is no federal or state government funding for the meals served at this stage.
State Frankston Labor MP Paul Edbrooke said he also had been involved in talks to bring back a meals service.
“It’s really a case of Chisholm being the good guys,” he said.
Community breakfasts will be hosted at Chisholm TAFE’s Frankston campus on Monday and Thursday mornings, 7-8am, from 1 October.
Frankston mayor Cr Colin Hampton said while council has no direct involvement in the establishment of a breakfast service “we support its progress and look forward to a successful venture”.
“Council has had a long-standing commitment to supporting community breakfasts through our grants program,” Cr Hampton said.
Mr Crewther thanked Theodora’s Cheerful Givers, Life-Gate Inc, That’s The Thing About Fishing, John Paul College, Community Support Frankston, Frankston Council, the Seaford Housing Action Coalition (SHAC) “and others” for help with the breakfast service.
“Once those initial meals are up and running, and we have got the settings right, we will then look to expand upon the meals offered as well as the organisations involved in providing meals at the one location,” he said.