FRANKSTON Hospital have welcomed a $150,000 donation from the Blue Ribbon Foundation Peninsula branch.
The funding will be used to buy an ultrasound machine in Frankston emergency department, a haemostasis analyser, and two blood pressure machines in the surgical short stay unit.
A ceremony was held on 19 October to make the donation and commemorate two police officers who lost their lives.
“We are delighted to be dedicating our ultrasound room in the emergency department at Frankston Hospital as a permanent memorial to constables Shaun Gerard Moynihan and Walter Richard Hewitt,” Peninsula Health chief executive Felicity Topp said.
“Both aged only 19, they lost their lives in a traffic accident in Caulfield, on the morning of Friday, 27 November 1981.”
The emergency department ultrasound room at Frankston Hospital will be dedicated to the two officers.
“The ED ultrasound room allows our emergency team to diagnose and rule out conditions quickly, which in turn reduces the amount of anxiety people feel in an already stressful situation and importantly, it improves outcomes for many,” Ms Topp said.
“The dedication of our emergency department ultrasound room is a fitting tribute to lives cut short.
“I would like to thank the Blue Ribbon Foundation Peninsula Branch Committee for their tireless efforts and the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation as a whole for its valuable ongoing support of Peninsula Health.”