FRANKSTON Council is on the lookout for more than 20 school crossing supervisors to help children get home safely from school.
Frankston mayor Cr Colin Hampton said that the job would make for an excellent part-time career for applicants of all ages.
“Gone are the days when only retirees looking to top up their pensions are applying for these roles. More and more we are experiencing younger people taking up the opportunities,” he said.
“For many university students, the working hours fit well with their studies, and for stay at home parents the hours are also ideal.”
University student Meghan Horlock (pictured) has been a school crossing supervisor since mid-2017. She said some of her friends and family have told her it was a job for old people.
“It’s just not the case,” Ms Horlock said.
“There are many things I love about my job. My morning and afternoons are filled with smiling faces, the hours are great and I get lots of Christmas cards. It’s an honour that parents entrust me to keep their children safe, and I take that honour very seriously.”
Frankston council says there are currently 81 active school crossings across the municipality, manned by more than 80 supervisors.
All applicants must have a current Victorian drivers licence and be willing to undergo a Working with Children check.
To apply visit or phone 1300 322 322