A WOMAN in her early 20s was airlifted to The Alfred hospital from Somerville oval last week after the car in which she was a passenger crashed into a power pole. After being assessed she was found to be “not as badly injured as first thought”.
Police said the late model Holden station wagon was travelling at up to 100kph in a 60kph zone along Frankston-Flinders Road, in the early hours of Saturday 5 January. They said they were not pursuing the car but caught up to it only after it crashed at the intersection of Bungower Road.
The driver, a 23-year-old man from Somerville, was handcuffed at the scene. He and another man, also in his early 20s, were then taken by ambulance to Frankston Hospital for observation. The car was a write-off. There were no reports it had been stolen.
Acting Senior Sergeant David Seeley, of Somerville Highway Patrol, said excessive speed was likely a big factor in the crash. He said the woman had only received an arm injury and was responding well.
He said the driver had not been charged with any offences “as yet” but was “assisting us with our investigations”.
1 Comment
Not another near fatal MVA in Somerville. Just remember that everytime someone has a car accident , and especially when that person is trapped in the car, it is not only the paid night-shift emergency crews, that are being dispatched. When triple 000 is called, and the caller states there maybe, or that there is a person trapped in the car, approximately 20-30 CFA volunteers, that have full-time paid jobs to also go to, are getting out bed, leaving work, etc. for no money at all, because they just want to help. Let’s only use there help when we need it, and not abuse it due to our careless/reckless behaviour. They already do a terrific job, but just remember they’re all just human, they can only do so much. Something to think about!