A BIKIE gang of an unusual description was seen going for a ride on Sunday (20 January), as a pack of nine Penny Farthing cyclists travelled from St Kilda to Frankston.
The ride was organised by Penny Farthing bike expert Dan Bolwell, who said enthusiasts from around Australia tagged along.
“I organised this ride, which was our first time doing the St Kilda through Frankston and back again circuit, which is around 80 kilometers. I think it is one of the most common cycling roads in Australia, it’s a good circuit,” he said.
“There were nine of us this time from all over the place. We had a couple down from Sydney, and some from in and around Melbourne.
Mr Bolwell, who constructs the unique bicycles and send them worldwide for a living, said he started the rides to “help and encourage cyclists and give customers a connection and place to use their bikes together.”
He said his passion for Penny Farthing bicycles stems from their simplicity.
“It is really the purest form of cycling, there is nothing in between you and the bicycle. There’s no gears, it is all pure human power, which translates into a simple, fast, and efficient form of transport,” he said.
“When you’re on it you’re connected to the bike, it’s the next best thing to running.
“In 1870 when they were invented, there was only walking, horse and carriage, and some train carts, so they were revolutionary.”
Mr Bolwell runs his shop, Penny Farthing Dan, in Coburg.