POLICE Operation Reset held over the weekend was aimed at encouraging drivers on the Mornington Peninsula to reset their attitudes towards road safety.
This is part of an effort to reduce the unexpectedly high number of lives being lost on our roads.
Southern Metro Region Acting Commander Tony Silva said Operation Reset provided a “highly visible presence of police with a particular focus on known road trauma locations”.
“We are incredibly saddened by how many lives have already been lost in Victoria’s south east this year, with 24 people not returning home to their families,” he said.
This is double the number of lives lost at this time last year.
Acting Commander Silva said “something needs to change to address the ever increasing number of people losing their lives on our roads in the south east.”
“We are seeing reckless speed, failure to give way and impaired driving as they key contributing factors to fatal collisions in the south east,” he said.
“Not arriving at your destination isn’t worth the five minutes you gain from speeding or not driving to the conditions.”
Police made sure they had a visible presence on the highways, backstreets and off-road locations to ensure motorists thought twice about their behaviour.
“Every time a motorist sees police on the road it is a reminder to follow the road rules.”