Saturday, September 21

AT the Frankston Progress Association meeting on Tuesday last, Mr. A. E. Lasslett, J.P., said: – In many towns throughout Victoria and New South Wales, the tradespeople have adopted the system of closing their shops for an hour at lunch time.

This system has, where tried, proved a great success.

The advantages are many in adopting this system, but there are one or two that might specially be mentioned.

As you well know, business people rarely have an undisturbed luncheon.

The system is the means of overcoming that annoyance, and is therefore conducive to better digestion, and, as matter of course, better health.

Tradespeople are also enabled to participate of the fresh air, and this tends to break the monotony of business life.

I would move that a plebiscite of the business people of Frankston be taken, with a view of ascertaining whether the majority are in favor of closing their business establishments for one hour during certain months of the year.

I would suggest 12.30 to 1.30, from April 1st to the Saturday preceding Easter, and after Easter week to 30th September.

The method of obtaining the views of the tradespeople would be to have small slips printed, asking the following question:

“Are you in favor of closing your business premises for 1 hour, 12.30 to 1.30 (for luncheon), during the following periods: 1st April to Saturday preceding Easter and Monday after Easter week to 30th September (inclusive).YES or NO.”

If in favor cross out “No”.

These slips need not be named, but numbered, and the Secretary will keep a record in which the names could be recorded, corresponding with the numbers.

In the event of a majority in favor, I think it would be possible to get the Council to make a by-law, which would be effective, to prevent any tradespeople from infringing same, and render them liable to prosecution.

I have a list of the business establishments who would come under the system.

Mr. H. Garrood seconded the proposition. The Chairman thought the proposal a good one, and said Mr. Lasslett was to be thanked for bringing it forward.

He was of opinion that the dates could be improved on. Easter was a movable feast, and he suggested that the period of closing should be from 1st May to November 30th.

Mr. Jennings said the arrangement if put into effect would be very beneficial from a health point of view.

He questioned if the matter was one the Association could take up.

Mr. S. Lawrey – It is a question for the Traders’ Association.

Mr. Laslett – If the plebiscite is favorable we can go the Council and ask that a by-law be brought in.

The resolution omitting the dates was then carried.

The Chairman moved and Mr. Lasslett seconded that dates during which the proposal shall operate be from May 1 to November 30. – Carried.

In reply to Mr. Brody, it was explained that the voting would be by number and not by name.

Monday, 29th March, was the date fixed for taking the vote, and Mr. Lasslett and the Secretary were appointed to distribute the voting papers and collect same.


MR. George Young, orchardist, of Somerville, has just had published at the “Standard” office his catalogue of fruit frees.

It is in pamphlet form, attractively arranged, and is well printed on special quality paper, and should serve as an excellent advertisement of the resources of the district.


MR. F. R. Burton, late of the A.I.F. and a member of one of the oldest Frankston families, announces in another column that he has purchased the grocery business in Playne Street, lately carried on by Mrs. B. Hogan.

Mr. Burton entered into possession this week.

By conducting his business on modern lines and stocking only the best of goods, he hopes to secure a fair share of public patronage.


REV. E. Tonkin, who is leaving shortly to take charge of the Cheltenham and Mentone Methodist Circuit, will conduct his final services at Tyabb, 11 a.m.; Somerville, 3 p.m.; Frankston, 7 p.m., on Sunday next.

Sunday evening services at the Frankston Anglican and Methodist Churches will begin at 7 p.m., instead of 7.30 p.m., as in the summer months.


RETURNED soldiers who are eligible to receive the 1914-15 star are reminded by the Secretary of the Frankston branch, R.S.S.I.L.A. (Mr H. Vicars), that they should at once in writing to him, giving the following particulars: Name and address in full; regimental number and rank and unit on embarkation from Australia; and number of official returned soldier’s badge.

The envelopes should be endorsed “1914-15 star”.

Every applicant will be notified in April whether his star is available, and when and where it will be presented.

The next of kin will receive the decoration by post, no application being necessary.


THE attention of members of the Frankston branch of the Returned Soldiers’ Association is directed to advertisements notifying that patterns of suit lengths are now to hand and may be inspected on application to the Secretary (Mr H. Vicars), at the Pier Tea House.

The reminder is also given that annual subscriptions must be paid before the end of the current month, otherwise membership will lapse.


RESIDENTS requiring the services of an optician will be interested to learn that Mr Albert H Crothers, M.V.O.A. intends visiting Frankston every Wednesday afternoon, and may be consulted at Messrs Brody and Mason’s Commercial Chambers.

Mr Crothers professional announcement appears in another column.


AT the Somerville Hotel, at 3 o’clock, on Saturday (to-morrow) an auction sale of freehold land will be conducted by Messrs Brady & Mason and J. Nott Marsh (in conjunction).

The property consists of 55 acres in 5 subdivisional blocks, and is excellently situated.

The vendors are the Equity Trustees Co Ltd acting for the Thomas Mather Trust Details appear in advertisement in another column.


THE annual meeting of the Frankston Football Club takes place on Thursday, 8th prox., in the Hall, when it is hoped there will be a good attendance of members and intending members, so as to give the old club a good “kick-off” for the coming season.


GREAT preparations are being made for the bazaar in aid of the Hastings Hall, to be held on Easter Saturday and Monday,

The Hon A. Downward will perform the opening ceremony on Easter Saturday afternoon, when the special attraction for that day will be a Baby Show.

This competition is arousing considerable interest, and fond parents with eligible cherubs will be interested in the list of valuable prizes advertised by the hon sec, (Mrs Vera Kay) in this issue.


FROM the pages of the Mornington Standard, 26 March 1920

First published in the Frankston Times – 30 March 2020

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