FRANKSTON businesses can apply now for $5000 grants to help create outdoor dining spaces.
Outdoor dining will be encouraged as part of Melbourne’s exit from stage four lockdown restrictions. Funding through the state government’s Outdoor Eating and Entertainment Package business grants program is now available for businesses to help them get ready.
Jim Derzekos, owner of Seaford restaurant 38 South, is working on a grant application. The restaurant opened a year ago and he hopes the funding will help it get back on its feet.
“The first six months were enjoyable, building up the business and establishing ourselves but obviously the last six have been challenging,” he said. “We’re a family business and we’re surviving though. There are some challenges coming so far as staffing and preparing new menus for summer. It is difficult getting ready to reopen but we’re hopeful.”
Contact council about approvals for outdoor dining at businessconcierge@frankston.vic.gov.au.
To apply for a grant visit business.vic.gov.au/support-for-your-business/grants-and-assistance/.