FRANKSTON’S first ever online only Seniors Festival is running this month.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has put all in-person events on hold for the time being, there is still plenty to do online.
Frankston U3A President Andrea McCall has called on local seniors to get involved with the festival. “There’s plenty to keep seniors connected, stimulated, engaged and motivated,” she said.
“The University of the Third Age has been part of the Frankston community for 35 years. We are delighted to collaborate with Frankston City Council for Seniors Festival this year, a year like no other. For seniors who don’t know much about what we do, I urge them to participate in Zoom sessions scheduled for Frankston Seniors Festival 2020.”
PARC Frankston is running free online exercise classes, and the library is hosting also a range of online workshops and author talks.
Events run through all of October. For the full program, visit frankston.vic.gov.au/Things_To_Do/Events/Major_Events/Frankston_Seniors_Festival
For more information, call Giselle on 9784 1895 or email positiveageing@frankston.vic.gov.au