CONSULTATION for Frankston Council’s draft local shopping strip action plan closes this week.
Cr David Asker says “Frankston City has 26 local shopping strips and we want to make sure that each is vibrant, attractive, functional and safe. To do this, we have developed the draft plan, which assesses the existing conditions of each shopping strip and identifies opportunities for their improvement. Importantly, it also includes a recommended program of local shopping strip improvement projects to be implemented over the next 10 years.”
“Attractive shopping strips will encourage residents to spend time and money locally, instead of being forced to inner city locations. Studies have found strong correlations between rental value, accessibility, active shop frontage and attractive public realm.”
The draft plan proposes a standard local shopping strip identification sign including illumination, development of a “distinctive character” for shopping strips based on each local neighbourhood precinct, feature lighting specific for shopping strips within each local neighbourhood, capital works projects including additional tree canopy, facade upgrades, an expansion of kerbside dining, and the establishment of a working group to meet quarterly for the next year to focus on the delivery of the plan.
The draft local shopping strip action plan can be read at frankston.vic.gov.au. Feedback via email urbandesign@frankston.vic.gov.au by 24 January.