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DOCTORS at Frankston Hospital are leading the line for a new treatment for asthmatics.
A program at the hospital has been treating asthma patients with injections. Peninsula Health’s director of thoracic medicine Associate Professor David Langton has been in charge of the program.
“We have been involved with asthma research for over 10 years and are pleased to be at the forefront of new treatments for our patients” Mr Langton said.
“The results of the treatments to date are amazing. About 95 per cent of patients are improved, often greatly so, with marked reductions in asthma symptoms, reductions in exacerbations, reductions in the need for reliever medication, and improvements in lung function.
“It is common for patients to say that their lives have been transformed as a result.”
Peninsula Health says the treatments contain “monoclonal antibodies which target and block chemicals produced by the immune system that lead to airway inflammation”. Around half of the patients the hospital assesses are found suitable for the program.
Asthma sufferer Will Footner began the monoclonal antibody treatment program last year. The 19-year-old said that it had a huge positive effect.
“Three years ago, I didn’t think I would be well enough to finish school,” he said. “I felt as though I was always playing catch-up, losing a seemingly never-ending battle to not let my health dictate everything I did.
“Now, thanks to David’s program, I have finished school, started working at the Portsea Pub, and am beginning my studies in Criminal Psychology at Swinburne University in March. It’s all so immensely surreal and I have so many beautiful people to be thankful for.”
To learn more visit asthmatime2review.com.au