FRANKSTON Council’s Indigenous Nursery will host an open day this weekend.
The day will feature a free barbeque as well as plant sales, giveaways, a nursery tour, propagation workshop, and a pollinator count.
Cr Claire Harvey said “there will be fun for all the family with special guest ecologist, Dr Luis Mata, talking about the importance of insects in our urban environment and how we can attract them to our gardens.”
“There will be interactive and informative displays from AWARE Wildlife, our wildlife rescue warriors, local wildlife gurus Living with Wildlife, Frankston’s Natural Reserve Friends groups and Gardens for Wildlife volunteers,” she said. “Places may be limited in some of the tours and workshop to maintain safe COVID distancing. To help run a safe day at the nursery, we ask people to register details if they’re attending.”
The Indigenous Nursery is at 32R McMannis Way, Seaford.
The open day runs from 9am to 1pm, 27 March.
To register visit eventbrite.com.au/e/indigenous-nursery-open-day-frankston-city-council-tickets-142439539497