THERE has been an increase in people illegally dumping their rubbish.
Kingston Council says the number of reports they are receiving about dumped rubbish is on the rise. They have issued a warning to offenders that fines of $6000 may be coming their way.
Kingston mayor Steve Staikos said “we spend at least $200,000 of ratepayer’s money each year removing dumped rubbish from local streets, parks, and other open spaces. We need your help to keep our neighbourhoods clean and to report those who have dumped rubbish. It is an offence for a person to just dump unwanted rubbish on their nature strip and in our parks and other open spaces.”
“Council will collect the rubbish as quickly as possible, the sooner it is reported the sooner it can be collected. If you spot someone dumping rubbish please note down as much detail as possible and consider taking photos, as the evidence will assist officers in their investigations and potential prosecutions,” Cr Staikos said.
Council says it employs CCTV cameras as well to catch rubbish dumpers.
Free annual hard waste collections begin locally on 6 September. It will cover 65,000 properties, beginning at the north of the municipality. Hard waste collections can be booked at other times for $62.50.
For more information on hard waste collection visit Report rubbish dumping at or phone 1300 653 356.
First published in the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – 1 September 2021