FRANKSTON and Susono in Japan have been sister cities for 40 years.
The milestone was celebrated at an event at the Frankston Civic Centre.
In 1983 as a Frankston high school student, Julie D’Arcy travelled to Susono on exchange alongside fellow student Andrew Grigor. She said that her time there had a “major impact” on her life and that she still keeps in contact with host sister Eiko.
“I had no idea what to expect or what adventures lay ahead. Susono and Frankston had only become sister cities the year before, and Andrew and I were the first of many students to be fortunate to have such a wonderful opportunity of experiencing life in another country with an entirely different culture to Australia,” Ms D’Arcy said. “Our host families, counsellors and the members of the Susono community were all very friendly and supportive. We soon settled into our new lifestyle and enjoyed attending the local high school where we made many friends.”
To learn more about the sister city partnership visit