POLICE are urging young people to avoid drink-driving home from local football finals this weekend.
Victoria Police road policing command acting assistant commissioner Justin Goldsmith has urged young drivers to be cautious this month. “End of football season celebrations are commonly associated with social events and alcohol consumption, so if you’re planning to drink, just leave the car at home and arrange a designated driver or utilise alternative transport methods,” he said.
“We’re also appealing to parents to speak to their kids about planning safe ways to get home before going out, so they’re not tempted to drink and drive. Drink and drug driving won’t be tolerated under any circumstances. The penalties are significant, and you will be caught – so why risk it?”
In a statement, Victoria Police said “miscalculation of alcohol consumption” is a common reason why young people blow over the limit. “Far too often we hear from drivers that they thought they’d be okay to drive after one or two drinks. The safest option is – if you’re going to drink, don’t drive. Or if you’re going to drive, don’t drink,” Goldsmith said.
On grand final weekend police will undertake operation “scoreboard” – directing more resources towards road policing.
Drivers under the age of 26, or those subject to zero blood alcohol content conditions, will be slapped with a $555 fine and six-month licence disqualification for a first offence. Consequences for serious offences include vehicle impoundment, licence cancellation, huge fines, and jail time.
As of 1 September, 161 people have died on Victorian roads this year.