A CONTENTIOUS clause in Frankston Council’s code of conduct will be removed.
The clause concerns councillors’ use of social media. “Councillors undertake to comply with the council’s communications policy and to respect the roles of the mayor and chief executive officer as the official spokespersons of the council,” clause three of the code of conduct reads. “Although any councillor is entitled to communicate his or her views to the media, constituents and others, they should not in doing so criticise or actively seek to undermine any decision or position already taken by the council.”
Councillors approved a new code of conduct at their last meeting. The new document removes this clause.
A report prepared by council officers read that the clauses “have never been considered to be enforceable in the same way as the standards of conduct in part two of the code. Nevertheless, it has been suggested that the clauses could be interpreted to unreasonably restrict a councillor’s right to freedom of expression in circumstances where that expression would not otherwise breach the standards of conduct. The potential for confusion can most easily be addressed by removing part three of the code.”