TWO archers from the Frankston Archery Club represented Australia at the Asia Cup tournament in Singapore last week.
Jai Crawley and Madeline Boyle have been representing Frankston Archery Club internationally over the last two months. After winning silver medals in team events in Taiwan, they travelled to Singapore for the Asia Cup.
In Singapore, the two teams were ranked second after qualifying. They went on to win bronze medals.
Frankston Archery Club president Robyn Mortimer said both archers are “excellent role models in the sport.”
“One of these archers will also represent Australia in the World Cup and the World Youth Championships in the coming month. One of these archers represented Australia in the open section when he was just 16 last year,” she said.
First published in the Frankston Times – 13th June 2023

FRANKSTON Archery Club members Jai Crawley and Madeleine Boyle Pictures: Supplied