A CAKE was prepared to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of The Petbarn Foundation’s Seeing Eye Dog Appeal. This year, the organisation hopes to raise enough money to train 20 new guide dogs.
A fundtraising target of $1 million has been set by The Petbarn Foundation for this year’s Seeing Eye Dogs Appeal.
Petbarn Foundation is hoping to raise enough money to fund 20 new seeing-eye-dogs. Frankston Petbarn store manager David Johnston said he is urging locals to get behind the cause.
Since 2014, Petbarn Australia has raised more than $6 million for Vision Australia, which has been used to train 125 puppies.
Rolf Geerlings used seeing-eye-dog Echo for 10 years. He said the dog was “absolutely amazing and beautiful”.
“Echo changed my life. We were inseparable for 10 years. She was my rock,” Geerlings said. “When you have low vision, you can be surrounded by a crowd and still feel utterly alone. But all it takes is a little lick from my faithful companion to reassure me that everything will be okay and that I’ll never be alone. These wonderful dogs, they transform your life.”
Vision Australia estimates that more than 450,000 people in Australia live with blindness. The organisation’s CEO Ron Hooton said The Petbarn Foundation’s Seeing Eye Dogs Appeal is “the biggest annual fundraiser for Vision Australia seeing-eye-dogs. By donating, you’re not only helping us train and provide seeing-eye-dogs to Aussies who need them, but you’re giving someone the gift of greater independence.”
Seeing-eye-dog training begins at eight-weeks-old, and can take up to two years to complete. It costs around $50,000 to train a seeing-eye-dog.
To donate visit petbarn.com.au/seda
First published in the Frankston Times – 18th July 2023