THE decision to hand over management of the Frankston Skate Park to Peninsula Leisure has drawn criticism from skaters.
Late last month, Frankston Council voted to install Peninsula Leisure as manager of the park after a “service review”. It will pay a little more than $1 million for five years of management.
Peninsula Leisure is owned by Frankston Council, but operated independently. It manages the Peninsula Aquatic Recreation Centre.
The skate park is currently managed by the Victorian YMCA. Its agreement to manage the park expires on 30 September.
Jado O’Donahoo is a frequent user of the skate park. She told The Times she is concerned that the change will affect the youth programs that run at the park.
“I have concerns about this decision, given all the youth work that the YMCA does,” she said. “I’m going to launch a campaign; I’m planning to start a petition.
“The skate park’s future is not just about skateboarding, this is about the important youth work that’s been done.”
O’Donahoo’s petition has garnered nearly 2000 signatures so far. The petition reads “council has done this without any community information, discussion, or representation from those who access this invaluable service. This council decision lacks transparency and inclusivity and has sparked outrage among the skate park’s devoted community.”
“The positive impact the YMCA has had throughout the last 16 years of service has been ignored and undermined by Frankston City Council. The community needs to be included in this decision, which has such significant consequences for not only the skateboarding community, but the Frankston community as a whole,” the petition reads.
A statement from Frankston Council read that entry will remain free, staffed opening hours will be unchanged, and “all the additional programs will also continue – including school holiday programs and free learn to skate lessons.”
“Peninsula Leisure will work with the current staff on future employment opportunities. The team will be supported through the process with a view to providing a smooth transition to ensure continuity of service,” council said. “As a staffed and programmed skating/BMX facility, Frankston City’s Skate Park is a unique offer in south-east Melbourne and council has ensured it will continue operating as it has always done and attracting users from across the region. Peninsula Leisure is a leader in the recreation industry and committed to keeping our community active. This move will see the skate park become an integrated and integral part of the PARC community offer. Council would like to thank the YMCA for the time we have worked together.”