MEMBERS of Scouts Victoria have a new way to get around thanks to a joint project between Seaford employment agency Envision Employment and job seekers.
A 20-person team of Work for the Dole participants – four of whom have now secured work in the construction industry – helped build the Tom the Tank train over six months by stripping down an old car, restoring the engine, brakes and gearbox and building a train body and four carriages.
Tom the Train was donated to Scouts Victoria on Thursday and will be used by the organisation for fundraising and membership drives.
Envision Employment services manager Sean Teer said the supervisor and main controller, Andrew Muir, along with the participants, ensured the attention to detail was of the highest standard.
“This will be such a bonus for Scouts Victoria, the train will not only raise valuable funds, but it will also bring such joy and adventure to the children who will be the main beneficiaries,” he said.
Mr Muir said the job seekers had gained and refined valuable skills in trade areas such as restoration and painting as well as obtaining practical skills that employers require.