A teenage boy has been left explaining to his mum how a midnight munchies craving will result in the loss of her car for a month.
Somerville Highway Patrol members randomly pulled over a Ford Territory on Pindara Boulevard in Langwarrin shortly before 12.45am.
They were gobsmacked to find 11 teens piled into the 5-seater car for a late night fast food run.
Five youths were packed into the boot area and four were squeezed into the backseat – the only two people wearing seatbelts were the driver and his front seat passenger.
The 18-year-old male driver, from St Kilda, is expected to be charged on summons with not displaying P-plates; breach of driving conditions for having more than one passenger; overloaded vehicle; and nine counts of failing to wear seatbelts.
But the worst punishment of all is telling his mum the news that he has been issued with a notice to surrender her car.
Victoria Police News – 6 July 2017