RENOWNED Roman Catholic Priest and community worker Father Bob Maguire has lent support to the Frankston branch of a fledgling union for the unemployed.
Attendees at an Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union meeting at Frankston Arts Centre last Wednesday (21 February) welcomed Father Bob into the flock gathered to discuss helping unemployed people understand their rights when dealing with Centrelink.
Union convener and Hastings resident Fae Roth said the group gave the priest, a high-profile media personality and former co-host of the Sunday Night Safran show on Triple J with John Safran, a warm Frankston welcome.
Father Bob dropped in to the union meeting to hear about the Frankston group’s early steps to spread the word about legal rights for unemployed people.
Ms Roth said union volunteers produce booklets designed to give information to people which is useful to know when dealing with job agencies and Centrelink.
“A hotline number is manned by trained volunteers five days a week where people can get advice and even legal advice if they need it,” she said.
Co-organiser Paul Callanan says the Frankston branch of the AUWU is open to people “from Portsea to Mentone and Crib Point to Cranbourne” and membership is free.
“Our mission at the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union is to fight for the basic human rights of unemployed Australians, most of who are living in poverty,” the group’s mission statement states.
“We are fighting back against Australia’s unfair welfare system. It was recently revealed that the basic Newstart payment is only half of what Australians need to live out of poverty.”
Federal Liberal Employment Minister Michaelia Cash criticised the AUWU in June last year, saying the group’s “sole purpose appears to be keeping members out of gainful employment and encouraging them to shirk their responsibilities”.
Father Bob was full of praise for the union’s mission after his visit to Frankston last week.
“Inspiring visit to Frankston branch Australian Unemployed Workers Union and Frankston young peoples’ group,” he tweeted.
The sprightly 83-year-old also visited the Frankston Youth Central hub near Frankston Library.
The AUWU hotline number is 03 8394 5266.