THE Shri Shiva Vishnu Temple in Carrum Downs has received a $500,000 grant for a new project.
The Hindu Society of Victoria will use the funding to build a multipurpose hall at its Hindu Cultural and Heritage Centre.
Carrum MP Sonya Kilkenny said “this is great news for our local community and the Shri Shiva Vishnu Temple. This funding means they can continue being a vital support and deliver the services that matter to so many.”
“I’d like to thank and acknowledge everything that The Hindu Society of Victoria do to support the broader community, but particularly this year. With this funding I know that HSV will continue doing important work. Allowing communities to come together to share, celebrate and preserve traditions and culture in a safe and welcoming atmosphere,” she said.
Applications for the next round of the state government’s multicultural community infrastructure fund grant program are open until 15 February. Funds of up to $500,000 are available per project.
To apply visit
First published in the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – 13 January 2021