Family Violence Frankston.
A forum at Frankston Arts Centre about family violence.
PHOTO: Glenn Aitken standing in for the Mayor.
The Auditorium was almost full for this event. I was told not to take photo’s of the people in the audience due to privacy.
Frankston Mayor Sandra Mayer attended but got off her sick bed to be there. Glenn Aitken spoke for her and gave a very comprehensive speech about family violence, including violence in his family from a young age. It was quite moving and it came from the heart.
Fiona Richardson Minister for the prevention of family violence gave a terrific speech, including some personal episodes in her life and how she ended up with her mother at a crisis centre in Frankston years ago and how Frankston was a special part of her life.
Bruce Billson couldn’t attend but said he was there to help, via a recorded video.
Rosie Batty gave an emotional speech about family violence and how people who seek help from the police should be treated better and that it was about changing the attidues of people about this sought of crime and that friends and family should stand by the person who is suffering and nottry to blame anything on them. Rosie got a standing ovation. ***Please check when Luke was murdered as this must be very close to the anniversary of that tragic day.***