A BUILDING more than 24 metres in height looks set to be constructed on the former International Hotel site in Frankston.
The building will house offices for the Department of Justice, the Department of Families, Fairness, and Housing, and for Victoria Police. It is across the road from the Frankston Police Station.
At Frankston Council’s most recent public meeting, councillors voted to grant a conditional permit to the developer. Crs Steven Hughes and Liam Hughes were the only councillors who opposed granting the permit.
Before construction on the development begins, amended plans must be submitted to council.
The building has a proposed height of around 27.4 metres, inclusive of a rooftop plant. Without the plant it will stand just more than 24.2 metres tall. The council officer’s report prepared on the proposal reads that “the height of the development is generally consistent with the preferred height of 26 metres nominated in the Frankston Metropolitan Activity Centre Structure Plan.”
Council officers recommended that a permit be granted.