FRANKSTON Fire Brigade chairman Tony Byrne has written to residents on behalf of fire crews to “alleviate any fears they may have over the current climate in the media with regards to delivery of an effective fire service”.
At the core of his letter is the simmering CFA and United Fire Fighters’ industrial dispute which has resulted in a series of high-level CFA resignations and ill will between the state government and volunteer fire fighters.
A volunteer himself at Frankston for 27 years, Captain Byrne said the CFA was “widely known as a volunteer organisation and has been in place for some 127 years in Frankston”.
Crews operate from the station in Cranbourne Rd, Frankston.
“We have what is known as an “integrated fire station and have been since 1958,” he said.
“What this means is that we have both career (paid) and volunteer fire fighters working as one for the betterment of the community.
“Having a minimum of at least five full time career fire fighters on duty day and night shift, 24 hours a day, seven days a week allows for a response of up to two vehicles within 90 seconds to every call, whether to Frankston or its surrounding suburbs that we support.
“This is backed up by any available volunteers who can respond simultaneously via pager.
“Without this in place we would not have the effective delivery of service required for such a dynamic municipality.”
Captain Byrne said the growth of Frankston’s population, industry and surrounding suburbs had “brought about many challenges and changes for us to keep up the level of service both required and expected of by the community”.
“Our only agenda is to protect life and property as quickly and as safe as possible.”
Captain Byrne said: “We wish to remind our community that, despite current political views being expressed by all parties, they will not see any difference on the fire ground as we attend any incident, because there is none.
“What you see is a team of highly disciplined, professional, dedicated, passionate fire fighters. We don’t care who you are or where you come from. The only thing we do care for is you.”