Author: BaysideNews

COMMUNITY satisfaction with Frankston City Council remains at historical highs, with residents rating Council’s performance over the last 12 months at 7.1 out of 10 in its independently managed annual community satisfaction survey.The measure, based on face-to-face interviews with 800 residents across the municipality, shows that overall satisfaction with Frankston City’s performance increased from 7.0 in 2023, and outscored the average both for Councils in Melbourne’s south-east (6.9 out of 10) and metropolitan Melbourne overall (7.0 out of 10).Mayor Nathan Conroy said: “Despite the difficult economic environment and increased community needs, we’ve maintained the high levels of service delivery our…

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AFTER only being installed at the beginning of this month, the CCTV system at Waterways Estate is already paying off by protecting residents from car thefts and break ins. Footage was provided to Victoria Police in relation to attempted house and car break ins that occurred in the early hours of Tuesday 13 August.“The concept of cameras in our estate was first raised by the Waterways Neighbourhood Watch Group four years ago, due to a crime wave at the time” said the chairman of the Waterways Owners Corporation Stephen Bardsley.“It has actually taken four years to get it through council,…

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KINGSTON council is one of nine municipalities that have banded together to enter a Waste Supply Agreement with Maryvale EfW Project Co Pty Ltd (a consortium between Veolia Australia and New Zealand, Opal Australian Paper, and Masdar Tribe Australia) to send waste to an advanced waste processing facility in Maryvale in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley.The agreement will result in at least 95 per cent of household waste from participating councils being diverted from landfill and used to create a valuable energy source, under a smarter solution for dealing with household waste.The nine councils are shareholders in South East Metropolitan Advanced Waste…

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IN a major milestone for the ongoing revitalisation of Frankston’s city centre, Frankston City Council will implement a long-term, transformational action plan for one of the key CBD entry points, Young Street. Councillors voted to adopt the Young Street Action Plan at the 12 August Council Meeting, noting it followed extensive community feedback.Mayor Nathan Conroy said over recent years, there has been growing demand from community, businesses and stakeholders to improve Young Street for locals and visitors. “It is the central location in our city, and it’s clear the community wants a more vibrant, thriving Young Street – a better…

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Compiled by Cameron McCulloughABOUT 3 o’clock on Sunday afternoon, Mr. John Sloan, J.P., of Orrong Road, Toorak, was driving a Benz car along Playne street, Frankston, in a westerly direction, when he observed another car, driven by Mr. Kenneth Harper, from Mordialloc, proceeding eastwards on the Melbourne road.At the somewhat dangerous intersection the cars collided head on. Both were badly smashed, the estimated damage being £170.Fortunately, the occupants of the respective cars escaped without sustaining injury.Later, Mr. Sloan, J.P., made the following signed statement to the local police. “At about 3pm, I was driving along Playne Street in a westerly…

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