Author: Brodie Cowburn

THE following letter was received by Mrs Meldrum, of Somerville, from her son Edward, on active service in Damascus: I have not had much time for letter writing lately. I don’t think anyone had an idea of what this stunt was going to be like. All thought we would strike some stiff fighting. We started off one night and got within a few miles of the front line, unsaddled for the night and were let into the know of what was going to be done in the morning. We were all awake waiting for the guns to open up, which…

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FRANKSTON Council will write to VicRoads to express their “grave concern that a government authority sees fit to grant consent for reserves under its control being used for candidate electoral signage” in the lead up to the 24 November state election. The motion to write the letter was moved as a matter of urgent business by Cr Glenn Aitken at the 19 November meeting. “Council is of the view that government agencies or authorities should be seen as impartial politically,” Cr Aitken said. “There is a member of parliament who has had signage put up in a number of locations…

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ALDERCOURT Primary, Mahogany Rise Primary, and Monterey Secondary College have teamed up to hold an event encouraging people to take a stand against violence in the community. The three Frankston North schools have called on local organisations to get involved with the cause to draw attention to and prevent acts of violence. Performances, sausage sizzles, and talks were held at Pat Rollo Reserve on 30 November in support of the cause. The event was inspired by an initiative taken by Aldercourt Primary School. “This was initiated by Aldercourt Primary School. They held an event like this a few years ago…

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AN app to help people with disabilities find accessible venues for their needs has been tested in Mornington and Frankston. The program, called Data for Inclusion, is a database of local businesses that displays how accessible they are for people with disabilities. The program is led by Debbie Roberts, who said she was called into action through her personal experience. “I was inspired to do what I’m doing because of my brother with MS,” Ms Roberts said. “I wanted to make it easy for people to go out and know what to expect. There are lots of apps out there…

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SCHOOL captains from across the Frankston region have teamed up to put together a plan for a youth expo in Frankston. The young leaders have been meeting once a month for the “School Captain’s Conference of Frankston” chaired by youth mayor Gerard Felipe. The aim of the monthly meetings is to improve relations between local schools and discuss ideas and issues relevant to young people in the area. One idea that has formed from the meetings has been the establishment of a youth expo. The “Youth Mayor’s Stay Safe and Healthy Youth Expo” got a thumbs up from Frankston Council…

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