THE atrocities committed by the Germans in France and Belgium should induce all eligible Australians to enlist, for they show at a glance what Germany will do to Australia if she is ever allowed to come here. It is vitally important to remember in this connection that the only guarantee that she will not come here now or later lies in an outright victory for the Allies – a victory which every eligible Australian should at this moment be helping to win. By far the most terrible document published since the War began – perhaps, indeed, the most terrible document…
Author: Brodie Cowburn
PLANS for a revamped Lloyd Park in Langwarrin have been revealed as the Liberals pledged $6 million dollars to the project. The commitment is only half of the quoted price for the upgrade, and the state and federal Liberals have called for Labor to match funding for the project. Dunkley MP Chris Crewther said that he would be working with Frankston Council to “lock in the rest of the funding required for the upgrade so that construction can get underway.” As of 2 November, no business case has been presented to councillors. Council’s top priorities for sport have been outlined…
THE inaugural youth mayor at council is fighting for Frankston in unexpected ways. 19-year-old Gerard Felipe gets his kicks from more than just serving youth in Frankston, he is also training to defend his title as a national karate champion. “I’ve just recently won the 2018 Japan Karate Association Championship,” Mr Felipe said. “I’m very lucky, because now I’m an eight time national champion. My first national championship was in 2012 in Melbourne, and this one was on the Sunshine Coast. “In 2017 I competed in Ireland, and was top five in the world. In the 2014 World Championships in…
DUNKLEY MP Chris Crewther has denied claims he is in violation of the Constitution and incapable of sitting in parliament. Shadow Attorney General Mark Dreyfus MP raised concerns over Mr Crewther’s involvement Mornington pharmaceutical company Gretals Australia, saying he “must be referred to the High Court.” “Reports today that member for Dunkley Chris Crewther invested in a company that has received federal grants, after spruiking those very grants in Parliament, cast serious doubts over his eligibility for Parliament,” Mr Dreyfus said. “Astonishingly, on 6 September this year, Mr Crewther disclosed to the House of Representatives he had then invested $25,000…
FRANKSTON Tennis Club worry that the “death” of their club could be imminent without state and federal government funding to construct their new home. Works on Frankston Hospital under a re-elected state Labor government are set to wipe out land used by the club, meaning they must find a new home. Discussions with council led to the club accepting a relocation to Centenary Park in Langwarrin, a venue with less courts than the club’s existing space. Frankston Council have committed $11 million to the redevelopment of Centenary Park, but without support from state and federal government, that funding will be…