MR. J. D. Jennings (president of the Frankston Progress Association), and Mr. J. Bradbury, jun., waited on the Council last Friday in support of the proposal of the Progress Association to place bowling greens and tennis courts on the road reserve alongside Mornington road on the town side of The Fernery. Mr. Jennings said the scheme, if given effect to would supply a longfelt want. The site chosen was a good one, and the bowling greens would be a great asset to the town. Mr. Bradbury said the plans, drawn by an architect, were before the council and conveyed an…
Author: Cameron McCullough
WHEN Mr. Mark Brody launched his idea of holding a calico ball in aid of the funds of the Women’s Hospital, he relied on the ladies of the district to assist him in carrying the project through to a successful issue. He was not disappointed. Once again the call of sweet charity fell on responsive ears, with the result that the function which eventuated on Thursday night last will result in a substantial cheque being forwarded to worthy institution above named. Added interest was aroused from the fact that the beautiful new Palais de Danse had been made available to…
THE rough and squally weather which prevailed along the bayside on Wednesday last caused a considerable amount of damage. Remarkably heavy seas were running and the wind blew with hurricane force, rendering the electric service useless and dislocating business arrangements. The shore line from Mornington and Frankston to Aspendale and Mentone was a beautiful sight, but at Frankston serious damage was done to the pier. At the end of the pier piles were forced out and the structure pushed, leaving a huge gap in the L end of the pier. The heavy timber was dashed ashore. The rest of the…
Compiled by Cameron McCullough WHEN Charlie O’Brien appeared at the Frankston court two weeks ago on a charge of drunkenness, he promised the Bench that he would shake the dust of Frankston from off his feet, and make for fresh fields and pastures new if given “one more chance.’’ The Court took him at his word, but Charlie failed to keep his part of the contract. Last Monday morning he faced the magistrates again. He was unshaven and generally presented a most unkempt appearance. He was charged with vagrancy. Senior Constable Cullane said accused was arrested on Saturday night near…
LAST Monday evening, Thomas Lyons, motor car driver, called at the Frankston police station and told Senior-Constable Cullaine a sensational story of how he lost his motor car. He said he was driving for Vickery’s garage, Melbourne. When at the top of the hill the car stopped and he walked to the back to examine it. Suddenly the car began to move, and before Lyons could reach the brakes, it was careering backwards down the hill. Swerving, it dashed over the steepest part of the cliff, and fell into the sea. The car was badly damaged. Its framework was buckled…