A SPECIAL meeting of the Frankston Soldiers’ Memorial Committee was held at the Shire Hall on Tuesday night for the purpose of receiving a deputation from the Frankston branch of the Returned Soldiers’ Association. When the meeting started the members of committee present were: Messrs. P. Wheeler, J. E. Jones, Mark Brody, A. Hill, W. Crawford Young, H. Morrison, and the hon. secretary, Lieut.-Col. Lazarus. Mr. Wheeler was voted to the chair. The deputation from the soldiers’ branch consisted of Messrs. R. Gray, D. Dodd, and J. L. Pratt, and they were invited to state their ease. Mr. R. Gray…
Author: Cameron McCullough
ONE day last week, Cr. W. Armstrong, president of the Shire of Frankston and Hastings, noticed a man removing firewood, apparently without authority, from the foreshore at Seaford. In his capacity as foreshore bailiff, it is Cr. Armstrong’s duty to keep an eye open to detect, and if possible, prevent illegal happenings on the foreshore. The man he had under suspicion last week evidently repeated the open eye and took prompt measures to close it. Cr. Armstrong approached the fellow and made a few pertinent inquiries, and then it is alleged that the man struck him, causing painful injury to…
SUPPORTERS of the High School movement received an unpleasant shock at the Council meeting last Friday when Cr. Oates announced that he with Crs. Mason and Wells, acting as a sub-committee, had offered the Frankston Tennis Club the choice of two sites for new courts – one being in the park and the other on the site suggested for a High School in the old cricket reserve. Cr. McCulloch: You are quite satisfied that the High School has been lost? Cr. Gray contended that the top end of the park was an ideal spot for tennis, croquet and bowling green.…
The run to Christmas is a frantic time, but one organisation is surprising people with a gift to bring a smile. “The Business of Smiles” have raised tens of thousands of dollars and embarked on a pre-Christmas blitz of Frankston with bright yellow socks with smiley faces on them. Scott Carson, the co-founder of “The Business of Smiles” explains “We have spoken to thousands of people over the last couple of weeks”. “The socks are really a tool. A tool to connect with people’s hearts. “It’s a way to thank people for doing their best in life”. The socks are…
FRANKSTON, in common with other towns throughout Australia, refused to get excited on Saturday last over the Federal elections. The return of the Commonwealth Treasurer, Capt. S. M. Bruce, for the Flinders electorate, was regarded by his friends as a certainty, and as there was no visible sign of activity on the part of the opposition the conclusion arrived at was that almost everybody was voting for the retiring member. Very many electors, not only in Frankston, but, throughout the electorate, did not record their votes. Many voters argued: “Oh, Bruce is safe enough; he can do without my vote,”…