AT last week’s meeting of the Shire Council a communication was read from the Education Department relating to the land at Frankston, proposed to be used as a site for a High School. The Department stated that it had ascertained that the old cricket reserve was only a temporary reservation, and the whole of the area could be vested in the Education Department, if the council and the cricket club concurred. Cr. Mason said the eastern portion of the park could easily be cleared and made available as a cricket ground. Cr. May asked if the Department had expressed any…
Author: Cameron McCullough
JUST before entering Hastings there is a very nasty right angled bend in the main Melbourne road – the road at that spot being very little wider than a motor car. This bend was, according to Dr. Cole, (City Coroner) who conducted the inquest, responsible indirectly for the death of Albert Norman Charles Thompson, aged 34, and the injury to five sailors from the Naval Base. Evidence, given at the inquest by six different witnesses, was entirely in accord. Thomson owner and driver of a 1 ton Ford charabanc, met 10 navy men in Melbourne at 9am on Monday, and…
IT is stated that the Railway Department has revised its plans in connection with the long promised subway which was designed to connect Wells Street with Cranbourne Road. At a meeting of the Frankston Progress Association, held on Tuesday night, Mr Wells stated that the present design was merely to connect the “island” pattern with the subway, the completion of the work, linking up Cranbourne Road, to come later. Members agreed with Cr Wells that a strong protest should be made by residents against the proposal. Messrs Oliver, Lawrey, A. Bailey, Hague, Young and the president Mr J. D. Jennings,…
THE Coolart Estate is looking well under the care of the new owner, Mr Robertson. A large area is under crop, such as oats, rapeseed, and barley, all of which have made rapid headway since the rain came. Oats have been sown more extensively in this district this year, and, should the season be favorable, a good quantity of hay should be available for chaff at the end of the season. The Western Park Estate has changed hands. Mr Hope Campbell, of Melbourne having purchased it from Mr J. Buick, of Mentone. Mr Buick had reserved 200 acres of the…
THE journalistic world in general, and the Victorian Press in particular has suffered a distinct loss in the death or Milner Macmaster, who was the victim of a sad drowning accident at Wangaratta last week. News of the tragic event reached Mrs Macmaster, at Frankston, last Sunday night, and she with her daughters immediately departed for the northern town, arriving there at midday on Monday. The coronial enquiry disclosed the fact that on the day of the fatality, Mr Macmaster left his apartments to keep an appointment to dine with Mr John Bowser, M.L.A., the editor of the “Wangaratta Chronicle”.…