A VERY nasty accident, which might have ended much more seriously, took place on Friday afternoon of last week. Mr. H. Phillips, who has a young orchard on the “Run,” Hastings, was driving home about 4 o’clock. He had picked up three children going home from school, and was himself sitting in front of the spring-cart. Going down the incline where the Cemetery Road leaves the Melbourne Road, it is surmised, the backband or tugs broke, and the cart ran on to the horse’s heels. Mr. Philips was promptly kicked off the cart, and the horse bolted. Two of the…
Author: Cameron McCullough
TO mark their appreciation of the services rendered by the fire brigades of Frankston, Carrum and Chelsea in subduing recent fires about the foreshore, the residents of Seaford entertained representatives of the brigades above named at a smoke social in the Seaford Hall, on Saturday evening, February 25th. There was a very large attendance, about 100 visitors sitting down to tables bountifully supplied with every good thing known to the culinary art. The Borough of Carrum was represented by Cr. Stephens, and the Shire of Frankston and Hastings sent a strong contingent in Crs. Armstrong, Howell and Latham. Mr. C.…
ON Monday, 6th inst., a demonstration of apple packing will be held at the Tyabb Co-operative Co’s Cool Store. Mr P. J. Carmody, Chief Orchard Inspector, knowing of the hundred different methods or systems used in packing, and again, in some cases, of the ignorance of any proper pack at all among new growers, has arranged to give all growers an opportunity of seeing a pack which, universally used, would be, in his opinion, a boon to the apple growing industry. Mr Krole, the Government demonstrator, will carry out the demonstrations, and the Company’s secretary, Mr Houffe, hopes that a…
“I HAVE not seen a better one-roomed school in the State,” was the verdict of Mr. Tait, Director of Education, when he inspected the new school at Seaford yesterday afternoon. The occasion was the official opening of the building by Sir Alexander Peacock, Minister of Education. Seaford residents met with little success in their agitation for a new school until Sir Alex assumed office. About 12 months ago he promised a deputation from the Progress Association and school committee, that the building so long promised would be erected at once, and that he would perform the opening ceremony. He did…
AT the Frankston Police Court on Monday last, before Messrs. C. V. G. Williams, C. W. Grant, W. Armstrong and Luxford, J’sP., a man named Arthur Nichols, aged about 30 years, was charged with unlawfully setting fire to a dwelling place on the 8th February. Senior Constable Bray conducted the prosecution, and Mr. Barnett appeared for the accused. The case, as outlined by the police, was that Nichols had been working for Mr. Mervyn Jackson, dairy farmer, Wells Road, Frankston. He was dismissed on 13th January. On the 27th January Nichols paid a visit to Jackson’s house, but soon left…