Author: Cameron McCullough

DEAR Sir, On behalf of property owners interested in the district adjacent to “The Fernery,” I am presenting at the forthcoming meeting of the Frankston and Hastings Shire Council a petition signed by practically the whole of those immediately concerned in the welfare of the locality. For your information, copies of the petition and the covering letter accompanying same are appended hereto. I am further directed to say that in the event of our petition being unsuccessful with the council, we shall institute legal proceedings. This, however, we trust will be unnecessary. Yours faithfully Bruce T Mellor WE the undersigned…

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ON Saturday last, the little six year old son of Mrs Roberts, of the Dromana Tea Rooms, was drowned at Dromana. The little fellow was seen near the pier in the afternoon, and the body was found next morning 300 yards away. His father was killed at the war. *** MR Joseph Unthank’s reply to “Retribution” come to hand this morning too late for publication in today’s issue. Appears next issue. *** MR Nankervis, stationmaster at Frankston, left this week for Sydney, where he will spend his annual holidays. Mr Nugent is the relieving officer. *** AT the Criminal Court…

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LAST Sunday, a pony, the property of Mr Bennett, fell down a narrow well at “Cleveden,” Kars Street, but, fortunately, the pony was rescued by a number of willing workers. It is not known how long the animal had been in the well before it was discovered, but he was down about 10 feet, with his head just out of the water. The pony is not much the worse for its adventure. *** VISIBLE expression of recognising the birthday of our beloved Prince was conspicuous by its absence on the 23rd inst. The heads of the two State institutions (State…

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OUR special representative at Tyabb writes: There was a fair attendance of spectators at the match between Langwarrin and Tyabb on the Tyabb oval last Saturday. The local team played far superior football than against Hastings the week before, and were never hard pressed by their opponents. Some nice hand ball passing by the maroons, especially by their forward men, was witnessed. The game was of a very fast and friendly nature; hard knocks being given and taken with true sporting spirit. The outstanding feature of the day’s play was the large number of behinds kicked by the local team.…

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TO the Editor, Sir, I had set out the other day to see the district, and took my cue from the finger post near the Post Office and the shore end of the main street. Step by step along the Hastings Road, I could not but admire the view here. Practically in the virgin bush. I stood on an excellent road within 25 miles of Melbourne. The vista reminded me of a distant panorama the other side of the equator. The difference was that the bareness of that land had driven many of its best sons to this side of…

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