A DEPUTATION from the residents of Frankston waited on Mr Adamson, Minister of Public Works on Thursday morning. The deputation was introduced by Mr Downward M.L.A. and Crs Oates and Plowman, Dr Maxwell and Mr Mason spoke on the necessity of taking some steps to have Kananook. Creek cleared out, and asked if the Government would be willing to grant £2 for £1 in the event of the residents raising £100 locally towards that object. The Minister, whilst sympathising with the deputation in their efforts, said it would be no use spending money if the work had to be done over…
Author: Cameron McCullough
THE friends of Miss W Scarborough will be pleased to know that she is improving after her second operation which she underwent on Wednesday at St Vincent’s Hospital. *** RUMOR has it that the Peninsula Motor Company Proprietary Limited is about to establish a branch at Sorrento. *** MR. A. DOWNWARD, M.L.A., in a communication to Mr. Dalman, secretary of the Frankston Free Library informs him that £20 has been allotted by the Chief Secretary to the institute for the purchase of books, papers, etc. *** IN the last casualty list issued, the following names appear :– C. C. Barber,…
WE regret to have to record that the accident which occurred to Mr J. Holley, of Mornington Junction on Tuesday of last week, through being-run over by a goods train while returning home from the Dandenong market, terminated fatally on the 31st. ult. The deceased was much respected and sincere sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. One of the sons is at present fighting with the Allies in defence of his country. *** A DONATION of £5 5s has been sent to the British Red Cross Society, by the “Wattle” Club. *** THE Australian Club will entertain 100 returned…
WE note that Mr and Mrs Masterton, have donated another £100 to the Red Cross Funds. *** MR Percy Fuller, of the Peninsula Motor Garage Pty. Ltd., Mornington branch, was married at Glen Huntly last week. *** THE Somerville Red Cross Society intend holding a concert on Saturday next, 9th June, when a first class programme will be rendered by St. Stephens’ Choir and their talented singers. *** THE Australian Club invite all members to “Clarendon” House, Frankston, on Sunday, 10th June, on the occasion of entertaining 100 returned soldiers. *** MESSRS Eric McLeod, W. H. Rennick, and C. W.…
MR and Mrs W. C. Pentland have been advised by cable that their son, Lieutenant W. C. Pentland, of Port Melbourne, has had to have his left leg amputated below the knee as the result of a bullet wound. Lieutenant Pentland saw service in the Boer War. *** THE Seaford Red Cross Society has increased the amount which was made for the British Red Cross on May 12th, to £10, which amount has been forwarded to the Fund. *** MR Rogers and party of eight leading artists will give a concert, on behalf of the “Wattle” Club, in the Mechanics’…