AT Friday’s Council meeting the Health Committee reported that after full investigation it recommended that the “Fecto” system of sanitation be adopted, together with the Carrum by-law relating to same. Cr. Mason said the Council intended doing all possible to safeguard the health of the people. It was proposed that an order be given for 700 “Fecto” appliances. The total number of premises to be served would be about 800. Some owners already had various systems installed. These would not be interfered with, provided they were satisfactory. Cr. McCulloch objected to the Council being tied down to one system. Cr.…
Author: Cameron McCullough
PETER Gordon Hannah, an ex-constable of police, appeared, on Tuesday, before Messrs. Armstrong (chairman) Oates, and Brown, J.’sP., on remand from the City Court, and was charged with having, on the 18th inst., shot with intent to murder Senior Constable James Culhane, and Constable James Alexander Graham. Sub-Inspector Spratling prosecuted, Detective Sergeant Armstrong assisting. Accused was defended by Mr. E. F. S. England. In outlining the case Sub-Inspector Spratling detailed the happenings from the time accused was seen in the Prince of Wales Hotel, up to the time the shooting took place. James Culhane, senior constable, sworn, said “that on…
ON Friday last in the school grounds the pupils were entertained to a lecture by Mr. Chas. Long, M.A. on “The Early Discoveries in Port Phillip Bay”. A large number of parents and friends accepted Mr. Jenning’s invitation, amongst whom were included the following old pioneers, Messrs. Tom. McComb (oldest resident), Joseph McComb, David Kelly and Miss Carr; younger residents noticed were Mr. and Mrs. Evans, jnr., Mr., Mrs. and Miss Jennings, Mesdame’s, Amor, Legge, Bradbury and Stanton and Messrs. Evans, senr., and Lind (ex-president of the A.N.A.) Mr. Jennings, in introducing Mr. Long, said that he was very pleased…
EARLY on Sunday morning last while putting a prisoner into the cell at the watch-house, on a charge of drunkenness, Senior–Constable Culhane and Constable Graham were wounded, the result of revolver shots. From details to hand, it appears that the two officers mentioned had arrested a man named Hannah, a former policeman, lately stationed at Brighton, on a charge of drunkenness, and while locking him up a shot rang out. Constable Graham fell to the ground. Senior-Constable Culhane, who was turning out the light, rushed to the assistance of his fellow officer, when another shot was fired, striking the senior…
AT last Friday’s meeting of the shire council a letter was read from Mr. Hanson, chief inspector of secondary schools, in reply to one from the shire secretary, relating to a telephone message. Mr. Hanson said: “I telephoned, informing you that money for a new High School at Frankston was provided on the estimates, but I added that I had urged the Minister to reconsider the whole position of site. This the Minister had promised to do, and a visit to Frankston would be arranged later.” Mr. Hanson continued: I might add that my own personal view is entirely opposed…